Friday, June 25, 2010

My God Has No Time

This week has been exceptionally busy for me. It was the kick off to the first week of a youth group I'm starting at the church, so there was tons to be doing to get ready for that. It was full of Bible studies and things like that, along with the usual shadowing of the pastor. All this week I could not concentrate on one thing, while I was working on one thing, I was also thinking about what was next or wondering what else needed to be done. So it was almost discouraging to realize that as we go through our lives, we as humans, lack the ability to ever give our full focus on one thing at a time. Because if you think about it, while you are working on something or watching TV or whatever it is your doing. Somewhere in your mind, whether in the front or the back, there is an idea floating around about what's next or just general wonderings.
It was comforting however, to remember that time, is a human barrier that our God is not trapped by. God is out side of time, he is in eternity, and because of that fact, God never has to think about what is next or anything like that. In fact, what God has instead of time is focus. Focus on me, and focus on you, and focus on every living creature. So what does that mean? It means, that at any given moment in time you, and I have God's undivided attention. He is paying specific attention to us individually as we go through our lives. God created time for us, not for Him. Our God isn't a God that has time, he is a God that has eternity, there is not beginning and not end to eternity, there is just eternity. Isn't that hard to think about though? The concept of forever? It's what God has, and it is something that we wont understand until we our with Him. But one thing we can take comfort in, is the fact that no matter how busy we are, God has his eye specifically focused on you and me. Individually.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Here We Go

Well I officially began my youth ministry at the church this week. These past few weeks have all been the build up to it and me laying the ground work to plan an event at the church for the youth to come to as a kick of week. So far I have met tons of youth from the Hartlepool area by going into the schools, youth centers, and other functions just to meet them and put the word out about this kick off week at the church. Also I have been asked to start a Sunday School type thing for the teenagers that are in the church on Sunday mornings so there is a start in that itself as well. So here we go! Ton's of them are saying they are coming and it is exciting. I'm praying that God will bless this ministry and that it would just grow and be fruitful.

Still, I have to say, it is weird being in this position. Kind of leading the way for the youth to come into the church. When only a few years ago, I too was one of the youth that would have rather of not gone to church on a Thursday night maybe. It's weird to see how God has moved me from being a totally dependent immature teenager, to a place where I am being used to lead teenagers to Christ. From where I used to almost idolize one of my greatest mentors, to a place where I don't see him as a mentor anymore, but rather a colleague, and a great friend. Although I have to say I don't think the maturity part has set in all the way yet. I think when we first give our lives to Christ, we feel like we suffer great loss, but in time, and when we look back, we see where God has moved us and how much more He has given us.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Yesterday was a day of exploring! It was a day of climbing, and squeezing through little cracks in the walls of ruined castles. Well at least one anyways. The other castle I did not actually get to go in but it was cool because it was on an island that you can only get to when the tide is out. Because when the tide comes in, the entire route almost becomes engulfed in the ocean. So that was fun. I also got to go through a trek through the woods and over a river into a small church/home carved out of a cave wall. It was very interesting. And doing all this made me realize what I wanted to do with my free time this summer. Instead of going to major cities and things like that. I want to take the UK for all that it has to offer. Its mountains, its waterfalls, its ruins, and its mystical sights (such as Stonehenge). I want to see it all and see what the UK is really from. So keep watching, there will be tons of pictures as I make my trek through and around the UK!!