Sunday, May 30, 2010

Only A Week

Well, I have only been on this trip for just over a week, and it feels like a lot longer! In this past week I have learned so much about the culture here in England, that although they are similar to us, they are much different in areas. I have learned a lot about the past of England so much that I don't even remember half of the stuff that was told to me! I have learned new words and found out that some of the words that we use are considered cuss words over here which can make a conversation quite awkward/ funny if you say the wrong thing. Tomorrow I will be going out and doing even more and learning more so really although I have only been here a week, I have learned a lot. One thing in particular that I have noticed though, is how it seems, that Christians, are more expressive in their gratitude for salvation that Christ has gave to us, and how how much more passionate they seem to be about their relationship with God they seem to be than most do in America. It's so much, that I think that any American church who were fortunate enough to spend time in having a Christian guest from England would benefit from spending time with them. Because they would see just how often we lack in showing gratitude for the life, grace, love, and freedom that Christ has given us. Just a thought.

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